Vrimp and vEGGie: will you be trying Nestlé’s new vegan inventions?

By Simple Happy Kitchen news |
October 18, 2021

The world’s biggest food company is at it again: after the invention of the Sensational Burger and the Vuna (vegan tuna) Nestlé came up with the Vrimp (a vegan shrimp, made out of seaweed, peas, and konjac root) and the vEGGie (a vegan egg that contains soy protein and can be used instead of real egg in cooking and baking). Earlier this year we also saw the release of the KitKat V, a vegan version of the beloved chocolate treat.

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Nestle launches vegan tuna

All of this leaves us with the question: Is it okay to support companies like Nestlé, in this case one of the most hated companies in the world (for various reasons, but let’s not get into that right now) even when they roll out vegan products? Or maybe it’s our duty to let these huge companies know that veganism is here to stay and that they should invest in this market even more? 

Either way, it seems like companies like Nestlé don’t just randomly make any move without some vast market research behind it, so we choose to look at the fact that they keep offering more and more vegan products as a positive sign. What do you think about all this?

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